
React Suspense

Mar 7, 2023
This post is written by notion ai


React Suspense is a powerful feature that allows developers to manage data fetching and rendering in a more efficient way. It enables components to render async data without blocking the UI. In this blog post, we will explore React Suspense and how it can be used to improve the performance of our React applications.

What is React Suspense?

React Suspense is a new feature introduced in React 16.6.0. It allows developers to manage the loading state of components that are fetching data asynchronously. With Suspense, developers can declaratively specify the loading state of a component and handle errors in a more user-friendly way.

How to Use React Suspense

To use Suspense in our React application, we need to import it from the React library. We can then wrap our async component with the Suspense component and specify a fallback component to be rendered while the async data is being fetched. Here's an example of how to use Suspense with an async data fetching component:
import React, { Suspense } from 'react'; import { fetchData } from './api'; const MyComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./MyComponent')); function App() { return ( <div> <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}> <MyComponent data={fetchData()} /> </Suspense> </div> ); } export default App;
In this example, we're importing the fetchData function from our API and using it to pass data to the MyComponent. The MyComponent is wrapped with the Suspense component, which takes a fallback prop to be rendered while the data is being fetched.


React Suspense is a powerful feature that allows developers to manage data fetching and rendering in a more efficient way. It simplifies the process of handling async data fetching and makes our React applications more user-friendly. By using Suspense, we can improve the performance of our React applications and provide a better user experience for our users.

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