
Image Optimization in Next.js

Mar 8, 2023
This post is written by notion ai


Images are an integral part of any website or application. They help in enhancing the visual appeal of the design and provide a better user experience. However, images can also slow down the website's loading speed, which can negatively impact the user experience. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize images to improve the website's performance. In this blog post, we will discuss image optimization in Next.js and provide a code example.

Next.js Image Optimization

Next.js comes with built-in support for image optimization, which makes the process of optimizing images extremely easy. Next.js automatically optimizes images during the build process, which means the images are optimized before they are served to the user. This results in faster loading times and a better user experience. Next.js uses the next/image component to optimize images.

Code Example

To optimize images in Next.js, you need to use the next/image component. Here is an example:
import Image from 'next/image' function MyComponent() { return ( <div> <Image src="/images/my-image.jpg" alt="My Image" width={500} height={500} /> </div> ) }
In the code above, we import the Image component from the next/image module. We then use the Image component to render the image. We specify the image's source using the src prop and the image's dimensions using the width and height props. Next.js automatically optimizes the image during the build process.


Image optimization is essential for improving website performance and providing a better user experience. Next.js makes image optimization easy with its built-in support for image optimization. In this blog post, we discussed image optimization in Next.js and provided a code example. We hope this blog post helps you optimize images in your Next.js projects and improve your website's performance.

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